2 Appropriate Learning Activities You Can Do With Your Child

Posted on: 14 November 2017

Educating children is incredibly hard. There are many parents and educators who wonder what the balance is for teaching children, letting them use their imaginations, and giving them the proper education of technology without having it be a hindrance. Here are some good activities to do with your child to help them learn and also have fun.

1. Card and Board Games

Games are a great way to learn skills while having fun. For instance, these games teach young children how to count, how to take turns, and how to think ahead through strategy. If you are playing a game with your child that requires them to make a sequence of five in a row, during each turn, they must think about what move they will make that turn and what potential moves they will make the next couple turns. If the numbers move sequentially, they will learn how to count. If there is money involved, they can learn how to calculate change, make certain amounts with dollars, and so forth. So, as you can see, there is a lot of good that comes from playing games with your children.

2. Reading Together

Another vital activity that a child should do often is read. You can start with children as young as infants and continue until they are teenagers. There are adults who love to listen to books without actually reading the words themselves. Of course you should teach your child to read, but reading out loud to your child does so much good. One thing that it does is increasing vocabulary. Reading books increases their vernacular because it introduces them to words that they may not be using and words that you as the parent are probably not using often.

Reading out loud also increases reading comprehension. If you feel your child isn't understanding what you are reading, stop intermittently and talk about it. Sometimes it can be hard to comprehend a whole chapter before you talk, so take a page at a time and stop and talk.

Lastly, literature exposes the child to the world. Reading about other people's lives can help them to become more empathetic. It can also encourage them to become more grateful for what they have as they are exposed to others' hardships.

Additionally, reading can increase imagination. This especially comes as you read books that don't have pictures, but even picture books require the child to imagine what the story is doing.

These are just a couple appropriate learning activities you can do with your child.
