Getting Company Support For Daycare

Posted on: 6 September 2017

Many companies don't realize the fact that their employees are not just workers, they are people first. They have a family, a life outside the job, and a lot of responsibilities that aren't directed towards the workplace. If you are an employee who has a small kid, and you need your company's support for daycare, then here are a few ideas you can try.

Talk to Your Boss

The first and most straightforward approach is to talk to your boss regarding your need for daycare. You can first explain that managing a job with your kid at home is becoming stressful for you and then request some help. If you are a valued employee and the boss cares about good employees, he or she might offer some financial support for daycare on the spot or promise to provide day care at the office premises.

Highlight Impact on Work

After you have told your boss all about the stresses you are dealing with due to lack of daycare and the reactions are not favorable, then you should stress your point by highlighting how the worry for your kid is impacting your performance at work or might do so in the future. Don't be too critical of yourself, as it may end up in you losing the job, but exaggerating your problems slightly is okay.

Talk About the Benefits

In case you need to pursue your boss to provide company support for daycare, you can name a few common ways it will benefit the organization. The fact is every company shies away from additional and unplanned investments. So, how can you turn that around? Perhaps it can be done by highlighting that many employees are in need of daycare, the employer will get tax breaks for providing it, and it will boost employee productivity as well as loyalty, which in turn would increase employee retention. Most company owners think of return on investment and boosted employee loyalty as great things; better employer branding is simply worth investing in.

Seek Help

If you have tried all the aforementioned methods of getting company support for daycare, then the last and most reliable step is to seek the assistance of your colleagues, local authorities or social workers who care about your well-being. Remember, your employer might find it easy to deny a worker daycare support, but denying it to a bunch of workers would be difficult, especially when authorities are involved.
