Three Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Preschool.

Posted on: 31 May 2017

Sending your child to preschool for the first time is exciting, but it can also be a time of worry for any loving parent. You want your child to be happy and to have a good experience, so it's natural to worry about how they adjust to this new phase in their life. Avoiding the following mistakes can help your child have a great start at their new preschool.

#1: Skipping school skills preparation

Although the teachers at your child's preschool will patiently work with them to teach them the classroom rules and expectations, it can help your child adjust to spend some time working on these skills at home. Common preschool classroom skills include raising hands and sitting still, among others. The simplest way to teach these skills at home is by "playing school." You are the teacher and your child is the student. You can find inexpensive preschool workbooks at book stores to use as part of "classroom." Most children enjoy this game and take to it quickly. The benefit is they will know what to expect when they enter the real preschool environment.

#2: Moving too fast

Some children are more shy or suffer greater separation anxiety compared to others. If your child fits this description, then easing them into the preschool setting may be the better option. Look for half day or part-week options. This way your child is only away for a couple of hours every morning or for a day or two a week. This will help them adjust to the preschool environment. Short sessions can also relieve extreme separation anxiety, since your child will soon become accustomed to the fact that you do always return to pick them up right when you say you will. After a few weeks, you will be able to transition to full preschool.

#3: Dragging out the goodbyes

On the other hand, sometimes it is harder for the parent to say goodbye! If this applies to you, fight the urge to stick around or otherwise indulge in a long goodbye. A hug, an endearment, and a promise to return helps ease the separation for both you and your child. For this reason it is also important to be prepared each morning. Wake up with plenty of time to get dressed and have breakfast so neither you nor your child feels rushed. This will ensure your brief goodbye at the preschool is stress-free and pleasant, instead of hurried and stressful.

For more help, contact a center in your area, such as Foundations Child Development Center Inc.
